PostgreSQL is a feature-rich object-relational database control system, which is renowned for being one of the most secure and dependable systems available on the market. It is cross-platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD) and cross-language (PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, Python), which makes it universal and many organizations and corporations are already employing it for their products or their own websites - just a couple of examples are Apple, the US Department of Labor, and Skype. The system is open-source and extremely customizable, not mentioning that it's far better than other control systems in relation to handling sophisticated operations. In addition, the fact that 1 table can be up to 32 Gigabytes in size, while the database size is unlimited, makes PostgreSQL a great solution for scalable apps.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Shared Website Hosting

All of our Linux shared website hosting include PostgreSQL support, so you'll be able to work with virtually any script app that requires this type of a database. With the lower-end plans, setting up a PostgreSQL database is an optionally available upgrade, while with the higher-end ones, a certain number is provided by default, ranging from five to unlimited. Irrespective of the plan which you pick during the signup process, you will always be able to increase the amount of PostgreSQL databases that you can have from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel, offered with every account. Aside from employing a script interface, you will be able to control any database inside the account using the powerful phpPgAdmin tool as well. The latter can be accessed via the PostgreSQL section of the CP.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All Linux semi-dedicated hosting which we offer you support PostgreSQL databases, so if you pick this kind of hosting, you will be able to install and run any script-driven platform which requires this sort of a database. In contrast to other Internet hosting Control Panels, the Hepsia tool used to manage the semi-dedicated accounts on our end makes it really easy to create a new PostgreSQL database - all it requires is to input the name along with the password, so you'll not need to use different menus, add users etc. Through the PostgreSQL section of Hepsia you will also be able to access phpPgAdmin - one of the most powerful and most well-known admin tools for this type of databases. It will allow you to export/import a database, alter any content or run SQL statements through an uncomplicated web-based interface.