The website hosting package is excellent to build your small web site, whether it’s a blog, a portfolio page, an online shop, etc. within the cloud. It brings you a free domain name, a group of mailboxes and also a 1–click Web Applications Installer through which you could start your web presence in an instant.
Starter Package
Our Advantages
Starter hosting at
$4.33/mo.Examine our web hosting services with a 30-day free of charge trial period. No credit card info required.
24x7 Support
Ask us anything at all. We are here for you 24–7–365
Waiting for a long time to obtain any reply from the client care team can be really frustrating, irrespective of how trivial the problem is. This is the reason why, here, at, we offer you a sixty–minute response warranty, and our support staff members regularly reply in less than 20 mins through the ticket platform included in the Website Control Panel. They’re available to you twenty–four–seven.
Website Installer
Kickstart your brand new web site with a single mouse click
Setting up a new web site in general is a tough and costly procedure. But we, at, have done all the difficult job for you – you can now create your site using a pre–made skin with one click of the mouse. It is very easy – simply indicate the type of your new site – business or personal, and specify a design you like. Our system will deal with the rest and will send you your login info so that you can start working on your web site right away.
Free Templates
100+ completely free web design templates in the Control Panel
Are you trying to find a new theme for your Wordpress personal blog? Need a new fresh design layout for your Joomla™ site? You’ll be able to pick out from more than one hundred charge–free design templates from within the Website Control Panel. Simply pick the web theme of your choosing and install it on your site with one click. Your brand new website will be set up with its own exclusive design within minutes. And you will not even have to abandon your web hosting Control Panel!
Web Stats
Control Panel–integrated site statistics
From the Website Control Panel, you will be able to both manage and monitor your websites. Every single shared website hosting plan features a bunch of stats tools, which you’ll see in the Statistics Manager section of your Control Panel. You will be able to use the popular Webalizer and AWStats stats tools or make use of our freshly developed comprehensive web stats software tool, which has a time and effort saving web analytics user interface. With, you’ll find in–depth info regarding your web site’s traffic and visitors straight in your Control Panel.
Website Builder
Set up your very own personal web sites with just a mouse click right away
Our cloud web hosting packages feature an intuitive Cost Free Website Generation Instrument. You will find it within the Website Control Panel. This software offers a selection of more than 100 personal and business web site skins plus an easy–to–navigate website administration interface. Just select a site layout and then add your pictures and add text with a simple click of the mouse. When you are ready, hit the Publish button and your website will be published to the World Wide Web in no time.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
Claim a refund in case you are not content
Our shared website hosting plans are backed up by a thirty–day money–back guarantee. Therefore, if, for some reason, you aren’t completely satisfied with the quality of the offered cloud web hosting services, you’ll be able to touch base with our sales representatives to claim your money back. You can send us an e–mail, send a support ticket, call us on the phone or use our live chat service.
Data Backups
Ever lost your site content? Turn to our backup solution
When put on the net, your site content will be susceptible to hack attacks. It might be affected even by your own unintended actions. Select us and, there is nothing to worry about, since we always have a backup copy of your website content, which can recovered at any moment. Also, you have the option to create manual back–up copies of your whole site with just a mouse click through the File Manager, which is located in the Website Control Panel. Our system will save all your files and will save them in a ZIP archive, which will be kept in your account.
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Service guarantees
- Subscribe now. There won’t be any setup fees and you can make full use of our 30–day reimbursement guarantee if you are not fully pleased with our platform.
Compare our prices
- Have a look at our rates and choose the best website hosting solution for your individual or company websites. It is easy to migrate to a more advanced package with a mouse click.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- Get hold of us at any time within business hours on weekdays for any pre–sale or common queries regarding our platform. Call us at any moment.