phpMyAdmin is a powerful PHP-based software tool used to control MySQL databases via a web interface. You could use it to run MySQL commands, create, modify and erase cells, rows and tables or handle users with various levels of access to the database in question. These tasks may be performed from any device provided that you have a web browser and access to the Internet hosting account where the database is. With phpMyAdmin, you may also export or import a whole database, which is a very helpful feature if you want to migrate an Internet site from one web hosting company to another. Many different file formats are supported for the so-called dump file - CSV, SQL, XML and PDF, dependant upon what you want to do - move the data from one internet hosting account to another, preview an entire database in a spreadsheet application for example Microsoft Excel, etc.

phpMyAdmin in Shared Website Hosting

phpMyAdmin is a part of every single Linux shared website hosting which we offer and it is accessible via our custom-made Hepsia CP. A small phpMyAdmin icon shall be displayed on the right side of every database that you create inside the MySQL Databases section of the Control Panel and by clicking on the icon for the database which you want to access, you'll be logged into the app instantly in a new tab of your Internet browser. Then you can do everything you would like - export the whole or a part of the content, import a database, run SQL queries, search and modify terms. If you don't want to go through the CP, you will also be able to sign in through a direct phpMyAdmin login page, but you should know the database account information. The last function is handy if you have to give access to a database to a third-party.

phpMyAdmin in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you host your script-driven site in a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you will be able to handle the site database manually without any difficulty as you can sign in to phpMyAdmin straight from your website hosting CP. Any MySQL database you set up will be listed inside the Databases section of your account and it will have a phpMyAdmin icon on its right side. Accessing the tool for a particular database is as simple as clicking on that icon and our system will open a new tab inside your web browser and it will log you in automatically, to enable you to export/import or change any content you want. We also provide the option to log in straight to phpMyAdmin without going through your CP. In this case, the login is manual and requires a username and a password. This feature will permit you to grant access to a particular database to other individuals without giving them access to your web hosting account.