The client support that you will get from your shared website hosting provider is very important, regardless of whether you have pre-sales questions and you're not a customer yet, or you've got a technical issue with an existing account. Prompt and correct info about a question or a problem can save you lots of time and efforts, not mentioning that this is usually a proof that you're ordering from an actual web hosting provider and not from a reseller. When you purchase a hosting account from a company that doesn't own its servers and it can't access them immediately, it is almost certain that you will wait for a couple of days to have a reply to your question, thus your web sites may stay offline for quite a while. In comparison, a supplier that provides numerous options for communication and has a tech support team that is available any time can assist you right away and help you reduce or fully avoid any kind of downtime and possible losses.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting

The customer and technical support services for our shared website hosting packages are twenty-four-seven, which means that you can forget about waiting for a couple of days to get assistance. If you are not our client yet, you can call us, chat with an agent or send an email. In case you do have an account, you can open a support ticket in addition to the other three ways of contact. You can choose the best way to contact us based on what your location is or what kind of equipment you use. We will help you for more or less any hosting-related question that you may have or issue that you can encounter and even if you get in touch with us during the weekend or on official holidays, we shall be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming matters you could open a ticket, but even then the max reply time will never exceed an hour.

24/7 Customer Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You are able to try out our support services even before you purchase a semi-dedicated server account from our company since we have telephone and live chat support for billing, pre-sales and general questions. Our agents will help you find the ideal package or offer you details about our servers, in order to verify whether the system requirements for your websites are met. In case you're an existing customer, you also have the option to contact us through email or via our ticketing system, which can be accessed via the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. We warrant that whenever you use any of these two methods of contact, you will get a response within a maximum of an hour and that’s 24/7, including weekends and public holidays. In case you've used the website hosting services of other suppliers, even large ones, you're able to compare the response time considering that it usually takes a whole day for them to take care of a ticket.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you obtain a dedicated server through our company, you are able to get in touch with us anytime using several channels and the max time that you will need to wait for a reply is approximately 1 hour, so you can forget about waiting a whole day. Our customer and technical support service is accessible 24/7 no matter if it is a holiday or a weekend and we can assist you with anything relevant to the applications that are pre-installed on your server. To contact us about a tech matter, you are able to open a support ticket through the Help section of your billing Control Panel or you could send us an e-mail. If you have any kind of general questions or you would like to find out about our solutions before you order, you can also use our live chat or you can call one of the local numbers that we have in different countries worldwide. When you'd like to have support for third-party software that you cannot set up or manage effectively, you are able to add the Managed Services upgrade to your package and our system administrators will assist you.